What's next?

Some of the projects are significant in scale and could take time to be delivered. We have outlined key next steps as we continue on the journey to support a successful and resilient town centre.

Next steps

We will work with key local partners responsible for aspects of regeneration to progress the following actions:
  • Review and use consultation feedback to shape initiatives and projects and finalise the Regeneration Plan.
  • Keep working with the Police, NHS and the Clinical Commissioning Group, plus other partners including the voluntary and community sector, and Fire Service, to understand their future property requirements.
  • Undertake a review of car parking provision to better understand existing parking provision, need for parking in the future (including electric charging points), and best locations for car parking to support the growth strategy.
  • Continued engagement with private sector landowners and investors to influence their proposals in line with our plans and ambitions and support delivery. 
  • Continued engagement with Warwickshire County Council as the Highways Authority to refine and test movement projects identified.
  • Continued engagement with transport partners to ensure improvements are delivered across the network in support of the growth strategy.
  • Continued engagement with Government and the Local Enterprise Partnership to explore funding opportunities and progress business cases.

Do you agree with our proposed next steps? Are there any other initiatives we should consider - in the short, or longer term?


Our proposals include a range of short, medium and long-term propositions. In addition to the longer-term big ideas and transformational projects, we are also considering early-win initiatives to create a real buzz and excitement about the town centre.

This could include temporary or short-term activities to attract people into the town centre, encourage community involvement, test new uses, and give greater opportunities for business start-ups.

Rugby has had real success with events and meanwhile uses – including most recently The Beach and outdoor cinema which attracted hundreds of people into the Town Centre in August.

We will explore a range of opportunities for similar activities including opportunities around sporting events such as the Rugby World Cup (2023) and bi-centenary of the game and the Commonwealth Games (2022). We want to hear your ideas on where these early-win projects could be located – and what they could be.